08 Januari 2018, 15:08 WIB Telah dibaca : 4 kali
Provisions on the Temporary Suspension and Postponement of Financial Transactions Updated
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As one of the measures which is being aimed at the prevention of money-laundering and terrorism-financing activity, the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan – “PPATK”) has issued Regulation No. 18 of 2017 on the Implementation of the Temporary Suspension and Postponement of Transactions by Financial Service Providers (“Regulation 18/2017”).   In essence, Regulation 18/2017 essentially authorizes the PPATK to request that Financial Service Providers (“FSPs”) temporarily suspend and/or postpone certain transactions and also addresses the following matters:   Grounds for temporary suspensions; Procedures for temporary suspensions; Objections to temporary suspensions; Postponements of transactions; and Transactions which may be suspended or postponed....

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